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FTP is the "file transfer protocol." 
Technically, FTP is a set of rules, commands, services, and syntax used to transfer files between computers on a TCP/IP network (which the Internet is).  
When you "publish" a Web site, usually you technically use the "FTP" in order to transfer the Web site from your PC to the computer that permanently hosts the Web site and makes it available to the whole world (a computer that is always connected - several companies rent space on a computer that's always connected, this is called "hosting"). 
Many people also use the word "FTP" as a verb to describe the process of transferring files using FTP's services and commands (for example, "I FTP'd those files to our office in Puyallup two days ago, but they still can't figure 'em out"). 
You may use the word "FTP" to describe the process of transferring the files that make up your website from your laptop computer to the worldwide web server that stores them on the Internet (where people can access them). 
Some Web site creator tools have a built-in FTP (EasyWebEditor have). 
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